Friday, 30 September 2016

FEATURED SPEAKER ... Jessica Annis, Land Use Planner with Operation Push Back [ Ontario ]

At these links:

Part 2 

Part 3 

Also added these video for back up purposes to Bitchute...
 Carleton Landowners Association Seminar - Jessica Annis, Operation Pushback, Part 1 of 3 (   

Watch the videos in three parts at this Carleton Landowners website link with Jessica Annis in 2014:

The impetus for this blogger and Facebook page was censorship by the 'authorities online' and has been created to provide a different voice outside the 'narrative' that is tightly controlled in this region .. the 'agenda' is apparent .. and if you have a private business enterprise ~ you need to listen to this lady's information and do some research into what she is talking about a trained planner and advocate for freedoms and liberty she is on 'our side' ...... its never too late to get informed, involved and resist 'communitarianism' .. [dictatorship of 'community'] .. "Ontario Landowners Association" on Facebook is the idea the voices of the citizens matter the most .. the push back.. All homeowners, landowners, business owners, and business operators ARE STAKEHOLDERS... They all have a right to say what they think, their voices matter .. the 'technocrats' who control politics and government / governance at this point do not want their 'agenda' undermined... learn more about 'technocracy' from Patrick Wood's book "Technocracy Rising:  The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation" and see also his website [USA] .... this information is essential to understanding today's 'governance' crew.. essentially .. trained minions who have sold out to the United Nations' program.

New tab (

I will update this blog from time to time with more information ... the Facebook page is also up but after four disabled accounts by Facebook it may not be there for very much longer .... the truth is a bitter pill.

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

FEATURED AUTHOR.. Nonie Darwish, born in Egypt, Gaza-raised, American [ex-muslim] simplifies Islam

Many Westerners are still 'grotesquely unaware' about the religion of peace ... my suggestion ... start listening to those who have lived it ... start with author/speaker/Egyptian born Nonie Darwish you can gain new insights and form your own opinions.  Look for other videos on youtube of talks she has given to the public.. Nonie's books are:

1996 - "Now They Call Me Infidel:  Why I Renounced Jihad"

2008 - "Cruel & Unusual Punishment:  The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic Law"

2012 - "The Devil We Don't Know:  The Dark Side of Revolutions in the Middle East"

*Nonie Darwish's next book is set to be released January 2017 titled "Holy Different:  Islamic Values versus Biblical Values"  [*referenced here at the Conference:  "Islam and Western Civilization:  Can They Coexist?" USA ..... ]

Please think for yourself and make a determination for yourself about this foreigin ideology and the value of bringing new people of this faith into Canada.  Some zealots here have charged ahead in their brigade to bring 'refugees' to our part of the country "seeding" us for "diversity" in this region..  Those people are being celebrated and rewarded at this stage.  The groups involved with 'refugee resettlement' should be challenged on their efforts [see more at Ann Corcoran's 'Refugee Resettlement Watch' [facebook] ..].  There is a strong duty to protect liberty and freedom and preserve our way of life which should be a priority and not be taken lightly .. if not us .. then who? Opt out peacefully from 'refugee resettlement' now while it still matters ... use your talents, time, energy, money and passion on something that will help your fellow Canadian, eh? [ more at "Council of European Canadians" facebook ]

Monday, 26 September 2016

FEATURED FILM: BLUE (Blue Beats Green) full movie HD

Look for additional interviews with the indie USA filmmaker J.D. King on youtube explaining the censorship he has experienced surrounding this film .. his website is gone .. [youtube removed too]

DVDs purchased through Amazon ...

Sunday, 25 September 2016

FEATURED VIDEO... Canadian Oil Sands Action, 2016 [promo]

Support Canadian oil sands and energy development in 2016.. learn more about our innovative, technological advances that are the envy of the world. Way to go Canada..... "Oil Sands Action" Facebook .. its about education for Canadians .. support Canada. . learn the facts about our industries , reclamation lands, and prosperity ... please .. support them...  in the video the photos of oil sands courtesy of Hamish Hopkins who writes: "I read an interesting opinion on the Canadian Oil-sands that made me chuckle. A guy wrote "I've been on the banks of the Athabasca river on a hot summer day & the Bitumen (oil trapped in sand) oozes out of the banks NATURALLY as it has for untold millennium. The vegetation on the reclaimed sites are far more robust and healthy looking than the scrubby Jack Pines that struggle to grown in Bitumen laden earth" ... So....basically, you can look at it like stripping the oil sands of the oil, we are actually CLEANING up a NATURALLY POLLUTED area!!! The pictures I've attached start with a natural area with Bitumen oozing out, open pit mining for oil sands (pretty ugly, but only happens in areas where bitumen is close to the surface), SAGD drilling operations for bitumen at greater depths, & reclaiming of the land after operations. This is the cycle that happens in Canada!"  Thanks Hamish .. and I agree... Alberta Canada needs to be promoted and valued .. their innovative technology is the envy of the world... we are a resource rich country... we are very lucky.... With special thanks also to Alex Epstein [ author of "The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels"] , Ezra Levant [author of "Ethical Oil"], Tim Moen, Michelle Stirling, Patrick Wood, Dr. Patrick Moore, Dr Tim Ball.. and J.D. King filmmaker of "Blue" .. ... all great advocates and all others helping our industries.. it matters a lot.. .because its 2016..

Saturday, 24 September 2016

FEATURED LEADER... Energy East Pipeline Speech 2016 [Blaine Calkins, Alberta]

Thanks Blaine Calkins... great insights .. well done.... [ as for the Liberals elected around this country... we have a big problem ... runaway spending at all levels of government ]

Friday, 23 September 2016

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

FEATURED LEADER: Marine le Pen --CBC prosecution

People are suffering under delusional 'rose coloured' glasses syndrome in the world today... I appreciate the clarity Marine brings to the discussion and the future of Western civilization .. this 'attack dog' reporter was absolutely out of line .. #boycott CBC ... thank you Marine Le Pen ...

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

FEATURED AUTHORS... Ezra Levant, Ethical Oil ~ Alex Epstein, Center for Industrial Progress

"Ethical Oil" by Ezra Levant .. ... Canada .. 

 Dr Tim Ball "The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science" ... [Stairway Press, USA]

 Alex Epstein "The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels" ...

"Blue" by USA filmmaker J.D. King ..

"Friends of Science" --Michelle Stirling Canada [Facebook]

Saturday, 17 September 2016

SMALL VOCAL MINORITY IN COMMUNITARIA [January 16, 2016 Cease and Desist Notice]

Posted January 16, 2016 ....

January 2016 Cease and Desist Notice to "Sackville Refugee Response Coalition" group members and steering committee... PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE ME IN YOUR PLANS - YOU DO NOT HAVE MY PERMISSION AND I do not consent to your actions to bring 'migrants' into our town to live all expenses paid and financed by you all and the UNHCR... This is your formal notice. Do not attack people for their opinion.. they are NOT bigots, racists, xenophobic, haters.. strongly disagree with 'importing 'economic migrants' to our region who are not compatible with western society .... *God keep our land glorious and free* .... Reject your claim that we are global citizens.. Canadian people first