Tuesday 27 September 2016

FEATURED AUTHOR.. Nonie Darwish, born in Egypt, Gaza-raised, American [ex-muslim] simplifies Islam

Many Westerners are still 'grotesquely unaware' about the religion of peace ... my suggestion ... start listening to those who have lived it ... start with author/speaker/Egyptian born Nonie Darwish you can gain new insights and form your own opinions.  Look for other videos on youtube of talks she has given to the public.. Nonie's books are:

1996 - "Now They Call Me Infidel:  Why I Renounced Jihad"

2008 - "Cruel & Unusual Punishment:  The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic Law"

2012 - "The Devil We Don't Know:  The Dark Side of Revolutions in the Middle East"

*Nonie Darwish's next book is set to be released January 2017 titled "Holy Different:  Islamic Values versus Biblical Values"  [*referenced here at the Conference:  "Islam and Western Civilization:  Can They Coexist?" USA ..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJbyVg2-BIA&index=18&list=PLhxDtVO-X5zVqXmwXn3Mu-aqj0Ibp-BqF ]

Please think for yourself and make a determination for yourself about this foreigin ideology and the value of bringing new people of this faith into Canada.  Some zealots here have charged ahead in their brigade to bring 'refugees' to our part of the country "seeding" us for "diversity" in this region..  Those people are being celebrated and rewarded at this stage.  The groups involved with 'refugee resettlement' should be challenged on their efforts [see more at Ann Corcoran's 'Refugee Resettlement Watch' [facebook] .. http://anncorcoran2016.org].  There is a strong duty to protect liberty and freedom and preserve our way of life which should be a priority and not be taken lightly .. if not us .. then who? Opt out peacefully from 'refugee resettlement' now while it still matters ... use your talents, time, energy, money and passion on something that will help your fellow Canadian, eh? [ more at "Council of European Canadians" facebook ]

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