Saturday 25 July 2020

Swampfest in 2020...festival formerly known as Sappyfest .. Stay tuned.

Being angry is a choice... choose love, choose tolerance, choose
co-creating and collaborating instead of competing and kicking down .. kick up.. don't kick down Jeska
[snippet below from recent article]

Sappyfest chair expresses dismay

2020 Sappyfest’s flying cat
Jeska Grue, chair of Sappyfest says she was “angry and disheartened” last night when she learned that town council had decided to support a series of for-profit concerts with three times the amount it contributes each year to Sappyfest.

Re-inventing itself in 2020... to be a kinder more loving festival that does not hate on our police and on our white Canadian folks but seeks unity.
#LoveIsAllYouNeed #LoveBombs
and yes Jeska I do have a connection to the fest.

Swamp magic still rises unexpectedly, and our dreams and goals remain the same: to foster connections, collaborations, and encounters; to celebrate and present great art and music; to work together to make something surprising and kind and hope filled.

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