Wednesday 13 July 2022

Discussions on Plastic, Recycling, Reusing, Repurposing at Bruce Wark's Website Comments Section

 Kata List Productions says:

Again, the issue is whether technology and innovation can solve the problems of plastic waste with recycling – its not enough to just arbitrarily ban things and complain about them — I have come to realize that academic world does not actually contribute much to our society, other than complaining – but if they get paid well and have some letters after their name I guess that’s enough for them?
Recycle repurpose reuse… this is where creativity and technology meet up… I recommend people see the potential for things that are ‘trash’ because they’re there.. you’ve seen the house built from recycle plastic right? Well this is where they go with their plans… making use of things that are seen as at the end of their ‘plastic lives’ is the future.. so think out of the box .

Bruce Wark's article is found at this link:
[censorship by Bruce of comments - why?]

Photography of downtown garbage cans made from recycled plastics in Sackville NB
- credit to Indie Media Eastcoast 

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