Sunday 9 August 2020

More tomfoolery on Fakebook/Facebook regarding Joseph Gregory Hallett [official website]


New Hallett Sovereign is a Fan page. It's Adi - it's not me.
All subscribers of New Hallett Sovereign should subscribe to King's Patriots. This page also includes misinformation, and links we would not be part of.
All other Facebook pages that are variations on
King John III, Joseph Gregory Hallett, King John the Third ...
are not me ... including ...
Taking the Throne! King John III, The true King of England! ;
Supporters of King John III - the righteous king ;
Gregory Hallett - King John the Third, etc.
These include misinformation, and links we would not be part of.
Don't give these FAKE Facebook pages any money.
If you can - contribute to closing them down.
Their users should voluntarily subscribe to the true sites 1-4 above, and avoid the fake sites. Close down fake sites. Don't give the fake sites any money. They are not us. They are DEEP STATE Agents.

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