Thursday 6 August 2020

King John III doesn't wear a death mask...

Joseph Gregory Hallett King John III Website https://kingjohnthethird.ukFacebook:
Funkstar Darral shared a link.

All Predictions Fulfilled Timeline

1350 b.c.–33 a.d. The Holy Grael object, myths and legends, and all literature, films and games keep the myths and legends alive – hence the “G” for generative.
C1 a.d. Book of Predictions – discovered in 1596 by Sir Walter Raleigh, who was then granted the rights to be King of North America, but chose instead to breed himself into the line of the Predicted One, with Queen Anne Boleyn’s granddaughter.
700–710 a.d.: Bible – the first confirmed authenticated bound Bible was made in Newcastle, in a muddy bog called Yahweh. The Muddy Bog or Yahweh kept the enemies at bay.
The Bible is the book of a Religion designed to contain and conceal the Predictions made by the Master a.k.a. Jesus, a.k.a. Joshua, Yeshua, John, John Ram, and passed on by Merlin 34 to Constantine in England, predicting he would become Emperor. With Merlin 34’s predictions fulfilled, Emperor Constantine honoured the conversation and imbued the Jesus-John Predictions Merlin 34 was messaging, into a Religion, based around a book called The Bible, or Holy Bible, which contained Jesus-John’s Predictions for the next person to be the scapegoat, represent the End Times–New Age, and Times of the End, and New Royal Lineage of a United Kingdom, just as the Master Jesus-John had done in his era.
[I want to stress here that the above paragraph is copyrighted to © Joseph Gregory Hallett, Copyright 2018, as this entire detail and concept is so worth developing, but requires more time to do so, whereas it needs to be released.]
1618: Rosicrucian Cosmography – being a one-page summary of the Book of Predictions.
This was done to protest the execution of the King of North America, Walter Raleigh, and was successful and influential enough to have Raleigh’s death faked … and he went on to breed with Queen Anne Boleyn’s posthumous granddaughter. They were both held in the Tower of London, and when Joseph Gregory Hallett visited in July 1988, the laws of immigration were immediately changed to exclude him, affirming they were both Joseph Gregory Hallett’s ancestors.
b.c. – present: The Tradition Received is a series predictions which appear obscure, but when solved are perfectly plain. Some of these are recorded, with Popes contributing four (4) lines at the end of their life, protected by an Elite Army, and only able to be read by four (4) people on the planet at any given timespan: Everything must be in proportion … There are no teaspoons in Estói Palace until the End Times … You make the stars shake and the earth tremble … All mountains and islands will move.

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