Thursday 9 July 2020

Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Rothschild, and British Royal Family Connections

Archive:  May 2015 Sean Stone [son of filmmaker Oliver Stone] speaks with Greg Hallett - author of "The Hidden King of England - Arma Christi - Unveiling the Rose", a five book series, published 5,000 units, hard to impossible to find now, publisher and webmaster was killed.

1200 pages, 750 photos Royal Marks revealed for the first time . . .
This story has been maintained as a Forbidden Secret for Two Hundred Years and has been acknowledged by the incumbent Royal Family.
Princess Victoria of Kent secretly married Blind Prince George of Cumberland, then had a legitimate first born son, Marcos Manoel, who was exiled to Portugal to be kept as the Royal Secret – all in 1834.
In 1850, Victoria presented Marcos Manoel with a Chest full of Royal Marks to confirm his lineage for future generations – the Rightful Heir to the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
Marcos Manoel received the Sword of the Duchy of Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha and was Crowned King John II of England which Queen Victoria confirmed by opening Holborn Viaduct & Blackfriars Bridge on the same day in 1869.
As a result, the British Dukes of S.C.G. kept abandoning their S.C.G. position.
The Royal Society codified Kingship ‘Hidden-in-plain-Sight‘, using instantly recognisable Codes . . . revealed when the time was Right.
Queen Victoria immortalised this, commissioning J.M. Barrie to write ‚Peter Pan’. Kingship is recorded as such to eliminate all imitators.
Queen Victoria paid £1million for her genealogy and recorded Two Jesuses who were third cousins – their chronology through England and the Algarve is recorded and illustrated within
The Hidden King of England

One rating:

Reviewed in Canada on February 7, 2016

Verified Purchase
In a word, AMAZING. Greg Hallett has created a true historic tour de force that threatens to rewrite many previous attempts on the same subject, as the research is impeccable. I know Mr. Hallett thinks much of the craft 'circus-like', lol, however, the best of it is also a 'search for truth' and as such I would recommend this to any brother likewise inclined. I found many 'loose ends' tied together upon reading this work and a renewed faith in the original aspirations of our forefathers before the infiltration and corruption caused deviations in the true path. Bravo! 5 stars! No masonic library or true history student should be without this work. BUY IT! It will become one of your most cherished collections. Get the answers to What was the real relationship between the Templars and Freemasons? Where is Jesus buried? Who destroyed the bloodline of the English Monarchy and when? Why was General Patton assassinated? How did modern man come to exist? Who is the true King of England? etc etc, you'll get a better education from these books than doing a History major at Harvard or Oxford!....truly AMAZING!

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