Saturday 5 October 2019

Shit Technocrats Do ... Green Attack Campaign On Economy and Industry

The ongoing and relentless "agitating technocrats" here will turn our young people against us .. that is their goal .. " agitate, organize, educate " .. be warned .. this is just what Hitler Youth organizers did too .. there is no difference .. and if this upsets you; deal with it.. address it.. face it.. combat it... resist it.....  UN Agenda 2030 is an assault on your personal freedom, your property rights and your existence.  Do Not Vote For "Green Candidates" - this is what they promote!

“We must address the real roots of climate change,” Helen Yao said. “I am talking about patriarchy, racism, colonialism, capitalism and all the ways we have chosen to systematically exploit the land and the people.”[ source: ]

If you are still unclear what a 'technocrat' is and what they do .. please read Patrick Wood's book "Technocracy Rising" website

More shit technocrats do......

In Halifax, we’re walking for the climate today.
#FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrikeCanada

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