Sunday 15 September 2019

Things That I Never Do: Email Mayor and Town Councillors

I know a lot of people THINK that their elected officials work for them but they really couldn't be more off the mark on this stuff .... they work for the environment.
That's an unfortunate reality.. don't you think? students come through here and get trained on how to agitate, organize and educate but what they do not get trained to do is think critically about issues such as climate change... that's a problem .. as they are then let loose on the world they spread more of their ignorance and fear and indoctrinations onto others and in essence they disrupt our peace ~ Some of the students around here are great and still have critical thinking skills but there are many just following the herd off the cliff... their professors have carefully taught them to call people like me "climate deniers" when in fact they are the ones denying the fact that the climate science is not settled - to be taught to ignore discussions on science and climate is fatal.. to be taught to be a collectivist thinker and to protest against fossil fuels is tragic.

I remember Clay from his time here with the "Divest MTA" cult [ a group that feels we all need to GET OFF FOSSIL FUELS.. we don't.. that's insane ] he is now 'agitating' in his part of Canada using all the tricks the progressives taught him here at Mount Allison University - that's the contribution this institution makes now.. pathetic.

Just emailed my city councillor and mayor calling on them to vote in favour of motion tmrw to realign Edmonton's energy transition strategy to so it meets a 1.5°C climate warming scenario. If you live in pls write your councillor and follow vote!

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