Wednesday, 25 September 2019


Why does the government send people mixed messages? Why do they talk out of both sides of their mouths? Why do they meddle in lives? Why do they promote degeneracy and drug use? Why do they promote and profit from substances that are bad for humans? Why does everything just go along day to day with no one willing to question this stuff? No one is willing to protect our children from this problem?

The police make an effort to educate our youth in schools about the problem in society with drugs and alcohol but ALL everyone else does is promote the use of drugs and alcohol .. so we are now entering a new era of widespread acceptance of marijuana, craft beers, and boozing and pills into oblivion... we need to stay awake and aware and take care of ourselves .. being SOBER - that's a powerful thing ... drugs and alcohol and pills are a big problem, especially among the youth, we need to give them better guidance .. its not too late ....  our society is sick and needs to clean up its collective act - get clean and stay clean .. say no to drugs.. stop promoting drug use .. promote healthy living and drug-free lifestyle.

Stop promoting drugs and alcohol use as though it is normal behaviour; its not.

Big pharma is profitting, people are getting sicker, dumbed down, complacent and more zombie like every year ... so .. say no to drugs... too many people use drugs and alcohol as a normal part of their lives.. that is a problem.. get clean.

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