Monday 16 September 2019

Counter Protesters, NCA, and Truro Police Clash [ video from Earthshod Kuunda youtuber ]

Indie media coverage of the Truro Nova Scotia event this past week with National Citizens Alliance - Stephen Garvey... thanks to Earthshod Kuunda, youtuber.

Independant media and press is important.  One of the violent protestors discusses the 'great replacement' theory published at EuroCanadian & gives a shout out to "Sackville's indie media" - the UN has a 'migration replacement' compact dude..

Maybe protestors should read "Canada in Decay" just to get some facts straight.

Met by a lot of resistance downeast Garvey plans to run in Colchester-Cumberland riding in the federal election next month.  Protestors "Halifax Against Hate" group.

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