Monday, 30 September 2019

Andrew Scheer (Conservative Party of Canada) — Safety

The Birth of Big Pharma...

Mission Statement - Council of European Canadians -

Mission Statement

European Canadians make up three-quarters of the Canadian population but there has been no group advocating our interests in the national dialogue.

The rise of special interest groups from other cultures and regions, and growing attacks on European concepts of law, liberty, economics and identity, now require a response.

The Council of European Canadians is a group of public-minded individuals who believe the European heritage and character of Canada should be maintained and enhanced.

We are not a white nationalist group, but we do believe in Euro-Canadian identity politics within the framework of the group rights afforded by multiculturalism in Canada.

Public participation is welcomed.

We honour our predeceasors by upholding their values and remembering their sacrifices. We do not honour their memory by removing their monuments and their history and their story... because it is our story the story of our nation.

"Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley : a personal favourite.

A POST-NATIONAL ELECTION : Faith Goldy, Culture Warrior

Popular Canadian Catholic Journalist Youtuber ..
Also On

In my humble opinion... if the CBC were smart they would hire this lady to have a show called "Faith in Canada" on a Sunday because her sermons are great!

People's Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier says Canada needs to have...

Help for Haligonians... "Safe Water Halifax" - Facebook - Advocacy - Safe Water - Canada

 Its frustrating to see the " Water Warriors and Water Protectors " completely ignore this important health issue...
We persevere .. "Safe Water Halifax" Facebook.. artivism that matters..

DIVERSITY OFFICES - Lindsay Shepherd - Twitter & Youtuber

Video by Lindsay Shepherd who writes:
What do diversity officers at Canadian universities do? How much are these people paid? Is it all a bureaucratic scam?
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who supports my videos via PayPal. Without your support I wouldn't be able to do this.
Photos of myself on my laptop and inside the WLU Rainbow Centre are property of Maclean's magazine

I think land acknowledgements are cringe-inducing, thanks for asking. Will we be reciting them indefinitely, or giving the land back? "None of us are leaving, so let's stop the guilt and blame" - Senator Lynn Beyak

Why Canada is a Mess - Green Party Supports Mass Immigration with Climate Refugees

Laura's campaign in Beausejour trailer caught Stephen Garvey's attention recently..
the National Citizens Alliance party founder and leader stopped to chat about policies ... Canadians might be interested to know that Liz May promotes mass immigration and open borders for Canada... due to climate change the assertion is many will be flowing into Canada seeking refuge .. this is absolutely ridiculous.....

Human Caused Global Warming: The Biggest Deception in History

Vindicated! Dr. Tim Ball's Presentation:  "The Biggest Deception in History"

Twitter - Canada's Dr. Tim Ball

Read his important books.. educate yourself ... I ordered my copies from Amherst Nova Scotia's "Coles" bookstore in the Amherst Place Mall.  Shop local.

Canada's Patrick Moore, scientist, co-founder of Greenpeace, Sensible Environmentalist - Patrick Moore

Sunday, 29 September 2019

Stephen Garvey Confronts a Crony Conservative Candidate

Stephen Garvey, Twitter
Garvey is running for Colchester-Cumberland riding in Nova Scotia in this election.. his party was just registered this year - he wants to put Canadians first.

You Are Being Scammed Kids And This Is How (And Why) - David Icke Dot-Connector

Grace Wilson - Argosy @ promotes violence on/off campus

A Stroll Through A Poem - Douglas Lochhead

Street Preacher David Lynn in Toronto Ontario - Rally September 28th

Opposing LGBTQ2 rallies held in Toronto

Two separate LGBTQ rallies were he;d in Toronto’s Village neighbourhood, one promoting unity was held in response to another planned march organized by what many believe is an anti-LGBTQ2 Christian group. Morganne Campbell has more in this report.

Street Preacher David Lynn in Toronto Ontario - youtube channel...
The Christian Civil Rights Rally is a very important event in Canadian history as Christians will be coming together to pray, repent, but also march thru Church Street for the first time in Canadian history. It is occuring on the day before Rosh Hashannah and a few days before David Lynn's Wednesday October 2,, 2019 court date.
As many already know, David Lynn got arrested on June 4th, 2019 for saying God loves you at Church and Wellesley, a clearly biassed arrest considering that many communities protest and rally almost daily in the downtown Toronto core, including at that same intersection without arrest.

Just a few days ago, within the same regional area of David's arrest, members of the area where david got arrested held a much larger rally and protested Chick Fil A's opening with loud speakers, blocking of the side walk, and hateful remarks towards people purchasing chicken. Their "HATE" was against the owners Biblical values. No one was arrested, and even though someone launched a formal complaint to the Toronto police, he was told that it was Freedom of Speech! 

This should make anyone mad. 

The Toronto Police should drop the charges against David and give the Christian Community an apology for discrimination. Currently David Lynn is on bail conditions and the Crown Attorney is looking to convict him of a federal offence which carry's a possible sentence of 2 years in prison all for sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and saying God loves you. 

Please sign the petition and support by coming out to this rally. We must stand up against this Christophobia and bigotry towards our Christian Faith. 

To learn more, get involved, or to donate, go to our website: 

#david lynn
#christs Forgiveness ministries
#pastor arrested
#toronto preacher
#pastor david lynn
#street preaching - Paul W. Kincaid - indie media - Twitter - Canada - Politics - New Brunswick

Justin Trudeau feared only 1 #RCMP investigation because charges against MPs have no effect in terms of MP eligibility to remain in office. However, had he been convicted of corrupt practice in RCMP probe of Aug 26, 2015 fundraiser he's disqualified from federal election #elxn43
9:49 AM · Sep 27, 2019Twitter Web App

Titania McGrath - Social Justice-y Twitter Parody Account

Given that there is now more footage of in blackface than footage of him not in blackface, we must start to accept that he is a victim of #WrongSkin, and should be congratulated for embracing his brave transracial status.