Monday 12 August 2019

Rest in Peace Bryer Schmegelsky & Kam Mcleod

Found dead together this week..... Bryer Schmegelsky, 18, Kam McLeod, 19, murdered in Canada in 2019.. 'double suicide' the official story....

Nothing about this story has made any sense whatsoever from Day 1...

There was no motive for the murders of any of these five people... 

We will remember these two Canadian sons....

they never stood a chance... they are both gone too soon...
the brutality of the propaganda campaign launched against them was relentless for many days;
their beloved parents left now with broken hearts and questions;
the big deal witchhunt and the trial by public opinion;
the hysteria caused by sensationalist media reporting;
the social media online hate storm;
and the innocence until proven guilty that they were NEVER afforded.

May God welcome you into his loving arms and may your families find comfort in knowing they have had you in their lives for only a short time but you will be remembered.

If they did suicide themselves perhaps it was because they saw no way out.. 

they could very well have been innocent of any crimes.. we'll never know.. will we?

The legacy media did its usual butchery and distortion.. its vile, disgusting and destructive attack to our collective mental health in this nation.

Wake up Canada.. they were just two teenagers!

Bryer Schmegelsky would have turned 19 last Monday, August 4th..

They were never charged nor prosecuted for any crimes.  We will never know what stories they had to tell us all .. what truths they could reveal ... because they were not allowed to tell us .. they were not shown any mercy in the media in the past month nor given any reason to come forward to explain to a sea of hate-filled borgmind in a seething mob whipped up by speculation and frenzied fear-based assumptions..


My Canada is not filled with hate and distrust and bitterness..

My Canada it is a place where we try our best to love one another and understand one another.. where we respect the rule of law and the "innocent until proven guilty" credo.

If they were native teens how do you think the story would have played out in the public? Would it have been handled very differently?

Would the public have been so quick to judge them?

All the five dead people in this case were non-natives and they were found on or near native-lands.. this must be addressed by police.

Bryer Schmegelsky and Kam McLeod
Bryer Schmegelsky and Kam McLeod are shown in surveillance camera video.

Could they have been the victims of a crime?
Why are the questions not being asked?

They were travelling to look for work.. like many young Canadian men do... they were trying to find jobs .. I hope people remember to keep an open mind about this entire five murder investigation in the days to come because I do not believe we have heard the end of it yet.

McLeod’s father released a statement to the media earlier in the week saying the family felt like prisoners in their home due to the international media attention.
“I’m sitting at home worrying about my son,” Keith McLeod wrote. “Relentless media hounding us for information that we don’t have. This is what I do know—Kam is a kind, considerate, caring young man always has been concerned about other people’s feelings.

“…we try to wrap our heads around what is happening and hope that Kam will come home to us safely so we can all get to the bottom of this story.”
Bryer's mother, Deborah Sweeney, told Star Vancouver that she hopes her son sees this message.

“We miss and love him dearly. We want both boys to come home safe.”

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