Sunday 15 September 2019

Folks Are Wondering.. Are They Anti-Hate Or Just Anti-Free Speech in Canada?

Funded "" network with Bernie Farber and friends.....

Twitter busybodies are policing the 'net .. they never seem to give it rest .. there is literally a white supremicist lurking behind every truck stop, Tim Horton's coffee shop, and shopping mall in Canada according to these hysterics...

Faith Goldy is a proud Canadian - a nationalist - who does not promote mass immigration INTO Canada and that - in this day and age - gets you labelled a neo-nazi white supremicist alt-right racist ..... blah blah blah ...

Twitter is basically an anti-white hate network at this point.. its atrocious.
Boycott Twitter.  Enjoy the free time you'll gain.... Boycott Facebook too...

Faith Goldy took a break away and deactivated her Twitter.. her account is back up now .. but for how long?  Having been the victim of a twitter swarm mob I know how easy it is for you to lose your account online when people decide to form a clusterfuck to attack your character...

Faith's youtube "Canada First" has 105K subscribers...

Faith's website:
Faith is on " Telegram ".

One thing is for sure.. Bernie Farber is obsessed with Faith Goldy.

Also the only party with an immigration policy endorsed by Faith Goldy, self-titled "propaganda arm" for the alt-right neo-Nazi mvmt, infamous neo-Nazi Paul Fromm (friends w/ terrorist organization Blood & Honour), & neo-Nazi Brian Ruhe.

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