Thursday 2 May 2019

Commi Climate Strike Action in Sackville NB - led by Laura Reinsborough

Laura Reinsborough wants us to believe the 'youth' are behind the 'strike action' for climate change protestors...  disruptions will continue by the 'mob' of youth rounded up to be used as pawns in this political action... its not about climate.

Dr. Tim Ball and Patrick Moore ..
Canadian scientists....
I have no idea why anyone in their right mind would take 'climate science' advice from a 16 yr old.

Coverage at the local Sackville Tribune Post
"Want to know more about the May 3rd Sackville Climate Strike? Here's a handy FAQ.
#FridaysforFuture #ClimateStrike #1point5C" - Laura Reinsborough, Facebook post

Laura heads up an NGO nongovernmental organization, this is her job, to agitate.