Wednesday, 10 April 2019

The Music Festival Agenda ~ Is It Anti-White ?

Music Festivals are about music.. or are they promoting something else?  If they are promoting something anti-white why are they getting any government funding?

Lido made news over her bad behaviour in Halifax where amazingly the festival photographer volunteer was persecuted for standing up for herself .. read the article singer asked whites to move

Ian Hanomansingh at CBC eventually caught up with Lido in Toronto to interview her about this "incident" and you can find that telling chat on youtube.

There is a whole lot of gaslighting going on these days against the global minority [whites] and people should realize that Lido is clearly just a useful idiot ..

Check out her "performance" and " talent " cbc video here [ the comments on the youtubers impressions are entertaining... ] - my review of this woman? She ain't no Kate Bush.  Perhaps my comments about SJWfest are not far off the mark? Hire people with talent, not an agenda, to play at your festival and I'll leave you alone.

Photo below:  Lido Pimienta 2017 was shared at the local "Sappyfest" on facebook September 19, 2017 where caption read:

"Congratulations to Lido Pimienta, 2017 Polaris Music Prize winner! You are amazing and an inspiration! 
Love from all of us at Sappyfest! 

📷: Tiana Feng"