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Friday, 24 May 2019
Shawn Mesheau - Town Councillor - Sackville NB Facebook page
I thought the Mayor Higham would have a facebook page to interract with his voters but he didn't bother to do that - what he did was delete his Facebook page once he was elected Mayor in 2016 -- what an odd thing to do - give the appearance you would interract online with your supporters and then delete the page .. its almost as though he doesn't really want to get feedback.. could that be?
FYI Hemp History Week is June 3-9, 2019 but our Mayor doesn't want to do that kind of economic promotion & development.
Newly re-elected town councillor Shawn Mesheau [who replaced Megan Mitton now the MLA here] does have a Facebook page.
Here is the page link .. https://www.facebook.com/Councillor-Shawn-Mesheau-Town-of-Sackville-New-Brunswick-259075954720257/?ref=py_c