Monday 22 July 2024

Bruce Wark .. A Local Writes at

 Screen capture above of Bruce's house from his latest article here - remembering David Fullerton a local who recently died:  

Sackville town crier David Fullerton remembered for his passion, humour and community spirit | (

"Merrill also recalled how his father deplored the racist attitudes of many New Brunswickers in 1990 when Mohawk protesters near the Quebec town of Oka engaged in a 78-day standoff with police and the Canadian army over the expansion of a golf course on land that contained an Indigenous burial ground.

“Always remember that the First Nations were among the first to enlist in World War Two to fight for our country,” Dave reminded everyone then.

“He had a strong sense of social justice,” Merrill said, adding that his father supported official bilingualism as a way of uniting the province’s two main linguistic communities.

Dave Fullerton also volunteered with the Sackville Refugee Response Coalition, sponsoring families fleeing war and persecution, because he believed Canada should always provide a safe haven." [ Fullerton would no doubt been part of the mob who had me banned from Mount Allison University campus for a year for daring to challenge the authority of this Coalition and their stupidity]

Bruce Wark has a huge problem with free speech and continually censors comments posted by the author at his website why? 

Cowardly Bruce also fails to cover the important messaging of this article from Conservative MP Cheryl Gallant published in May 2023 at the Ontario Landowners Association Website... why?

Read here:

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