Tuesday 2 July 2024

Keep This in Mind at All Times.. King John III - Good Advice

 The real King has a lot of very good advice ... so please pay attention.

There are a lot of very stupid people in Canadia.. and somehow they end up "working" in politics because they're too useless to do anything else.. so.. please don't listen to their bad advice.

Videos at Bitchute with Indie Media Eastcoast:

Indie Media Eastcoast (bitchute.com)

Save The Date - Celebrate New Brunswick - August 5, 2024


Cape 16 Market - What's Up With Our Market in Tantramar?


Facebook... Cape 16 | Port Elgin NB | Facebook

commentary here:

Danielle Cooper
Have you opened for the 2024 season yet?
Andrew Wallis replied
5 Replies
Andrew Wallis
Danielle Cooper sadly, no
Tammy Simmonds
Andrew Wallis I took a drive over yesterday hoping they were open. The sign on the door said see you in the Spring🤷🏻‍♀️ Are they going to open?
Andrew Wallis
Tammy Simmonds I have no info, but normally they open 2 weeks ago. Doesn’t look like it.
Tammy Simmonds
Andrew Wallis yes I thought the same thing. An update from the owners would be nice though. Thanks😊
Rebecca Silver
They're not opening this year
Top fan
Tanya Haley
Rebecca Silver really? 😔
Top fan
Tanya Haley
Rebecca Silver their fish n chips were delicious