Tuesday 21 May 2024

Wayne Feindel Commentary at Bruce Wark's Warktimes.com - Mayor of Tantramar Andrew Black

Wayne Feindel says:

In respect to Tantramar councillor denied chance to speak about public safety issue in Dorchester. So council’s only employee CAO Jennifer Borne said, “It’s not on the agenda” Fine! Unless there is a by law that states the CAO may interrupt even if the observation is out of order, the CAO cannot unless the Mayor requests an opinion of clarification. The Mayor should know that. At this point there is no point of order called by any councillor on whether or not this was new business or as purported a parting observation.
So the Strong Mayor called for a motion. What was the result?
The idea that this is parliamentary procedure is absurd. Tantramar has been mismanaged since January 1, 2023. Incompetence, bad management or both. The health and safety of the community is a priority. This with not making sure that recommendations supposedly in a new Fire By- law are actually implemented and compliance ensured.
The Mayor even a bad one makes that call on any recommendation even one council cannot see. This is the Chief criticism of over-centralized governance. Council needs to define better what would be considered unacceptable in terms of ethics and prudence.( an executive by-law of Limitations for CAO. A core toll for evaluation
Good governance (Yet to be defined) is tightly linked to the fight against negligence.
According to the (Rothstein and Teorell, 2008;UN.2009) fullfills accouintability.
For what its worth thirty years of being a no-name politican I woukd identify these core principles of Westminster Parliarmentary procedure.
1. participatory;
2. consistent with rule of law
4. responsive
5. deliberative-oriented
6. protecting the minority by ensuring that those who don’t live in the core are taken into account.
7. effective and efficient
8. Accountable
Conclusion for now. As a councillor I knew I should not be making day to day decisions for staff, but I did understand to make laws that a partnership with staff (FIREMEN) must make information available, and there must be people (committees) with reason to use this information. Key among them is the independent judiciary (Not code of Conduct) and a free responsible press. Of course how decisions are made and who?
You cannot keep using citizens and their money to be “crash test” dummies for social engineering . Costly but does not require a grade eight education. Fill the pot holes, extend the sewerage lines that have been neglected. And stop driving us crazy with the 1000 year plan Hitler, 10 year NB Education, 5 year plan Tantramar.
Cut adding staff ,”just get her done”. "

Bruce Wark's Article at this link:

Tantramar councillor denied chance to speak about public safety issue in Dorchester | (warktimes.com)

Meanwhile on Facebook ....

Andrew Black.. Mayor of Tantramar...

Route 106 made the Global News last night. The extended closure of this important link in our community is completely unacceptable and if not fixed sooner than September, will have huge implications for Dorchester."

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