Thursday 15 December 2022

Face Masks, Who Need 'Em? Not Me, No Thanks! Megan Mitton MLA, Useful Idiot


It would be great for Megan Mitton MLA to breathe normally but I suspect she is too dumbed down to realize how stupidly she is behaving...

'green' just means 'compliant' in my opinion...

recommended reading "Cloak of Green" by Elaine Dewar, 1995, Canada..

during her time of 'service' Megan has shown herself to be an impeccable 'useful idiot' with not a drop of discernment to her name.. I watch with amusement.... and a lot of concern for her efforts... she's an extremist.
Masked Karens and the fake news ( <<<--- watch at this link the mentality of masking..

Megan Mitton MLA is determined to keep children in schools in masks... why? Its disturbing!

What's a "useful idiot"?... its an old soviet term referring to
a 'deconstructed mind' who is an unquestioning tool for the State....
that sort of mindset is a problem for freedom loving 
and liberty minded individualistic societies of people...
those are the people who do not want nannystatism 
i.e. they want less government taxation,
less government meddling,
less government interventionism, 
and less government overreach into their lives..
some call it "leave me the hell alone-ism"...
or anti-communitarianism

see the work of Niki Raapana and Nordica Friedrich
at ACL Books Alaska on communitarianism

More here:

More here:

Communitarianism.. who else is talking about it in Canada
Why is anyone still promoting Maxime Bernier? Agent of the Crown.... Laurentian Elite. . . PPC fundraising con artist.. best avoided. He blocked me on Twitter... I'm done on Twitter.. no use for that stupid platform at this point.
One of the honest players Jessica Annis, Land Use Planner..

The British Royal Family should not be left unscrutinized at this point for any reason whatsoever... 
all the royal families are part of the problem:  More at this link:

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