Saturday 6 March 2021

What is Glamping in New Brunswick Canada? Check out Creekside RNR Cocagne's Business Model


Creekside RNR Glamping Atlantic Canada - Facebook - New Brunswick

photo found on Facebook..

 Angèle Miller

Creekside RNR Glamping Atlantic Canada, Cocagne, NB

A believer in collaboration and community, Angèle wanted to create a resort that highlights what South Eastern NB has to offer; nature, wildlife, beaches, seafood and other great locally made products and services. She is also a co-founder of ActivPop, a healthy organic popcorn sold nationwide.

---��Forte sur la collaboration et la communauté, Angèle a voulu créer un complexe touristique qui met en valeur ce que le Sud-est du N.-B. a à offrir; la nature, la faune, les plages, les fruits de mer et autres excellents produits et services fabriqués localement. Elle est également cofondatrice d'ActivPop, un pop-corn biologique sain vendu à travers le Canada.

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