Saturday, 16 January 2021

Regular Council Meeting - Jan. 11, 2021 - Town of Sackville New Brunswick

The Town remain in their echo chamber with no apparent desire to have public meetings in 2021 so far ... as well their youtube channel has the videos marked "comments closed".... if you'd like to leave a comment here ... feel free to do so.

Laughably, comfortably retired Ron Aiken tells us just to go along with it all for a little bit longer! Bill Evans makes the comparison between climate hysteria and covid hysteria to justify their unjustified destructive actions taken against all New Brunswickers WHICH HE SUPPORTS DURING THIS UNPRECEDENTED TIME OF ABUSE BY GOVERNMENT AND HEALTH AUTHORITIES IN REMOVING FREEDOMS AND DESTROYING LIBERTY AND JOY.


New Brunswick has RECORDED 11 deaths from covid... the amount of discussions around this topic are ridiculous.. its not a pandemic and they seem to be oblivious to this reality.  Before you call people tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists just remember that your government has decimated the economy and put face masks on everyone in the name of an invisible enemy that can 'strike at any time'! Ha!

Don’t be fooled by gaslighters, grifters & other sociopaths. Lockdowns were a mistake of historical proportion at best, and potentially a criminal fraud. There is no middle ground. They must be lifted immediately & the perpetrators & their enablers investigated & prosecuted.

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