Friday, 8 January 2021

Nova Scotia's Premier Continues His Hysterics Into 2021 ....

 Where's the covid-panic coming from Steve?

How many deaths?  Who is behind this?

Answer:  Technocrats.. using this fake scamdemic/hoax to manipulate and control the freedoms of Canadians.. UN Agenda 2030 sustainable development is the redistribution of wealth, stripping the working and middle class of their wealth and creating dependant nannystate.

#Smash Technocracy #Stop UN Agenda 2030

#End the Hoax

As of today, Jan. 8, there are 29 active cases of #COVID19NS. Two new cases are being reported today. One case is in Eastern Zone and one case is in Central Zone. Both cases are related to travel outside Atlantic Canada. The people are self-isolating:

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