Wednesday 10 March 2021

Re-Posting: New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs sits down with Charles Leblanc, Blogger

Blaine Higgs complained late last year to Charlie Leblanc, who says he voted for the green party in the last election, about the anti-maskers that had been showing up to protest at his home.  Charlie Leblanc talks about how people are dropping dead in England.....

Where is the huge covid19 body count in New Brunswick? In the Maritimes? Well, clearly there just isn't one.  These men are not mental giants but they are useful idiots.  Charlie Leblanc deceptively hid my comments on his youtube channel - he is fake news... a shill.. and controlled opposition.  I didn't vote for Blaine Higgs because he is just another dumb boomer and a fraud.
His declaration of state of emergency was uncalled for and he did immense harm to the people of this Province.  He needs to resign from his position as Premier now.  Facts matter. 
No one needs vaccinations Blaine.
We certainly do not need more conservation lands either -- land grabbing creates scarcity - why do it?  We are better off without politicians who lie to us and gaslight us with terror and fear.
For the record....

Atlantic Canada stats are: –Nova Scotia recorded just 65 deaths, the majority from an outbreak at one nursing home –New Brunswick reported 28 deaths –Newfoundland recorded six deaths and nobody in PEI died of COVID-19

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