Friday 6 November 2020

Who is Erica Butler, CHMA 106.9 FM at Mount Allison University Canada?


Bruce Wark provided the photo from Facebook of " Erica Butler " who writes at the heavily censored CHMA 106.9 website.

For someone who wants so badly to see transparency and clear reporting this CHMA minion censors relevant commentary at their university website... not so shocking really.. the bias is strong in academia.

Tantramar Landowners Association says:
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Natives vs. non-natives in 2020… this is the best effort that can be mustered? Decolonization is a way to divide society and prevent any unity.. congratulations again Erica Butler on promoting the ongoing destruction of cohesion and of any hope for peace and unity in our society in favour of identity politics and anti-white propaganda.. this UN Agenda 2030 in action .. so I hope you find your work fulfilling and gratifying.. You couldn’t pay me any amount of money to do what you are doing here in Sackville. By the way, where did you come from to attend at Mount Allison University and pretend you are a journalist?

It is my contention that Erica is a social justice minion and not a fair reporter.. none of my comments are ever published because I am in her eyes a racist white settler who does not have value in the eyes of these brainwashed useful idiots so I must be muzzled for my 'uninformed opinions'.

CHMA 106.9 FM
Attic Broadcasting
62 York Street
Sackville, New Brunswick
506-364-2221 (office)
506-364-2222 (studios)

CHMA broadcasts on the unceded
traditional territory of the Mi’kmaw 
within the Siknikt District.
We honour and respect the territory of Mi’kma’ki.

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