Sunday 8 November 2020

"Community Supported Agriculture" is communitarianism... more about control than security and definitely not about freedom and liberty


"Community” support agriculture is also known as communitarianism which means the opposite of personal and individual freedom.. I discourage people from committing to this farm practice.. its oppressive and doesn’t represent who we are as Canadians. I realize it is promoted heavily but when you learn what communitarianism is you also understand language and how it is weaponized. Recommended reading Niki Raapana and Nordica Friedrich, as an aside ” Food Security ” should more properly be labelled ” Food Control ” and its the absolute opposite of ” Food Liberty ” .. so locally we have minions promoting control and security as though they are food stasi and .. I have addressed this topic with Laura Reinsborough in Sackville who is a funded NGO maven and climate strike organizer. If people want to feel the boot on their neck around here with their constant compliance and submission to ‘UN Agenda 2030’ global governance they’re going to find only more austerity. I suggest a food liberty movement would be more fruitful and more pro-human. I’m not opposed to idea sharing but I draw the line at the ideologues ramming their cult down my throat .. why don’t they ever promote industrial hemp? I suppose its not ‘on the agenda’ around Tantramar eh?

Free enterprisers and entrepreneurs have been ruined this year by communitarians... they'll never be held accountable for the damage they have done and will continue to do .. they're often blissfully unaware of the consequences of their actions... Al Barbour talks about his local business going under earlier this year due to the current covid take down there will be more stories like the end of "The Black Duck Inn" .. here with CHMA

Please grasp the concept of what the 'chattering class' are up to and how they operate to take away freedoms and prosperity.. folks really need to wise up, know their enemy and stop complying so damned much!  Meddling zoomers are plotting and networking to remove your freedoms daily!

The chattering class has an exaggerated opinion of their value to our society.. they contribute little but hot air and fear-mongering at this point.  Tune them out for your good health.

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