Sunday 5 July 2020

Apologies to the Class of 2020 at Tantramar Regional High School

I'm sorry that the people in authority in this region submitted so easily and were all so quick to shut down your school this year without proper cause.  The people who have ruled over us for so long have not been kind and in fact they have been cruel and abusive.

I want you to know that you were robbed of your happiness, friendships, education and graduation celebrations in 2020.  I also want you to know the people that did this to you are called "technocrats" and they don't care about humans.
Learn more at Patrick Wood's website:

I am sorry that you have been deceived and lied to by manipulative adults who are paid very well to 'guide you'.  They showed a lack of leadership and a lack of bravery.  I have had to forgive them. They will all say they were just doing their jobs.... but remember that's what the people in Hitler's nazi Germany regime said as well.. unquestioning obediance is not admirable but courage is admirable.  Try for courage.
There was no 'pandemic' but there was a very extensive and destructive plan put into place and it continues as a way to remove our individual rights and freedoms.

I also hope that you consider reading my blog and sharing it with your friends.
Your future is important to me... and your happiness and your prosperity.
You have the ability to question and to probe and seek answers.. please do that.

God bless you all.  You will succeed!
You Are Titans.. Be Loud Be Proud!

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