Thursday 11 June 2020

Town of Sackville on Youtube - Canada, New Brunswick, New Politics, New Normal, No Taxation Without Representation

Isn't it time to take down those UN and NATO flags?  I think it is.... should not be serving the United Nations in any capacity whatsoever.  Period.

If you think this rotary mayor clown show is something to take seriously you did not get the memo yet.  Town of Sackville youtube account shows our local talking heads on video acting out their parts in a silly play they think actually resembles democracy, but it doesn't.  Its just fake news.  Please pay particular attention to the newly appointed CAO Jamie Burke in the weeks to come.  I anticipate that his duly requested resignation from his position in this theatre of the absurd is imminent. Burke failed to respond to NUMEROUS ongoing requests for a youth concrete skatepark project which was initiated here in 2013 by the people living in Tantramar who matter -- the taxpayers.  By only serving technocrats and answering only to " stake holders " he has brought about his own career downfall.

Link here:

"Sharon Hicks says:
When asked to rate the services they were most happy with, at the very bottom of that list we find the services local citizens have identified as showing the poorest performance – ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT with a satisfaction rate of less than 2%, followed by TOURISM INITIATIVES with just under 7%, and finally MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS with just under 9%.
It is pertinent to note that those same 3 categories, for the past 6 years, have been under the direct supervision of the former Senior Manager of Corporate Projects, Jamie Burke, who has now recently been installed as the Town’s new Chief Administrative Officer (CAO).
Looking ahead, is this dismal record a foreshadowing of what now lies ahead for our Town under the leadership of Mr Burke?"
---commentary from website recently... thanks Sharon Hicks.

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