Wednesday 10 June 2020

Easy Access to Documentation for Joseph Gregory Hallett for all journalists and reporters

This is Bruce Wark.
He writes at
He has yet to cover this rather large story out of the UK
I hope that he does.... it will involve some reading on his part.
Bruce is a retired CBC reporter living in the region.

Are the CBC reporters muzzled on this story about Kingof.UK?
Are they assets of the Crown in Canada? Yes.

I see that Wendy Mesley at the CBC has had to bow out
of reporting due to her incorrect "speak" .. uh-oh....
the race war is really ramping up in Canada and America huh?
I find it tiresome.

Bruce Wark's website is also listed at the Town of Sackville's website
This blog is not listed at the Town's website nor would I expect that it will
be listed at the website any time soon.

Never the less....
this is important information and its relevant to all taxpayers and homeowners
in the Tantramar and in the rest of Canada.

Follow Greg Hallett on Twitter as he advances awareness of his claim in the UK:

Lots happening behind the scenes that the CBC and CTV etc. aren't reporting on.

I've been reporting on Greg Hallett's claim to my readers for a few years.

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