Tuesday 7 April 2020

Zellers, Consumers Distributing and Eatons .. Twitter Question

What's the most upsetting thing to me about the deliberate crashing of our great nation's economy is how so few people understand the Agenda of the 21st Century - UN Agenda 21 which morphed into UN Agenda 2030 - which was designed to profoundly reorient our society away from capitalism to re-distribute our wealth and to turn us into poverty stricken drones obediant to a technocratic slave class.

We're almost there folks... I know the technocrats are celebrating their rotten little hearts out now...

rip Canadian prosperty, freedom, success and liberty... you were really great.

Question was:

Pick 3 stores you'd bring back.
6:48 PM · Apr 7, 2020TweetDeck

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