Sunday 12 April 2020

Tyranny 2020: White House COVID-19 response team is made up of Big Pharma and Bill Gates Operatives

Mirrored video.  with thanks to Civilian Intelligence Network, Canada for this video... shocking to know how badly penetrated by/inundated Trump is by the 'swamp'... and sickening to think these people are so rich and powerful and evil.
Welcome to medical tyranny 2020... Greg from InfoWars.

Trudeau wants Canadians to have the vaccine before anything can return to normal in our nation.  He is a treasonous and traitorous useful idiot for the globalists.
Our nation's people are under attack from within.  Will we survive this assault?

The AGA KHAN runs the UN! He is the GODFATHER!
Why he is treated like Royalty when he comes here!
CANADA is a MONEY LAUNDERING CONDUIT for him! Foundations DO NOT have to report DONORS here!
Money was always going into his foundation here then transferred to Geneva!

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