Monday 6 April 2020

Town Councillor Bill Evans and His Rotary Globalist Roots - and Rotary power club

Global governance, local governance and "Advisory Committee" -- these are the things that Bill Evans loves to get involved in..... he loves more bureaucracy... more rules, more laws, more by-laws, more compliance & more 'order'.

Bill Evans, a Rotary guy. is a big fan of:  collectivist-consensus thinking, climate strike action, climate action plans, propagandizing youth, global governance, technocracy & scientific dictatorship, solar and wind farms, carbon tax, shutting down questions from the general public, blocking and interferring with the progress of oil and gas projects, including but not limited to Canadian pipeline infrastructure, such as the Energy East project, raising money for arriving refugees and family reunification to diversify the region..... what he doesn't do is concern himself with a great concrete skatepark project for the youth... Bill is a global governance minion.. a "useful idiot".. and Bill would do everyone a really big favour if he would resign from his public 'service' because his idea of 'service' is pretty damned destructive to our local, provincial, and national economies.  Does Boomer Bill need to get rid of his wood burning stove because of carbon emissions?  Bill does not speak for me and his ideas are oppressive, ill-conceived and short-sighted.   I noticed that Bill was the guy happy to increase the annual fees on dog tags for no apparent reason -- perhaps its time that cat owners faced the same expenses - many cats roam freely around the neighbour and poop where ever they want to - even in vegetable beds.

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