Wednesday 8 April 2020

Joan Veon's "United Nations Global Strait Jacket" - Appendix "End Time Servant"

Synopsis of "Prince Charles the Sustainable Prince"
by Joan M. Veon 

Paragraphs of Key Importance 


However, our look cannot only deal with the man, but must deal with his politics, an empowered United Nations and empowered multinational corporations. The politics of the Prince, specifically the environmental philosophy, are enshrouded in "sustainable development" which is a merger between communism and capitalism. This merger then necessitates a new form of governance through public- private partnerships. The picture is complete when one considers both the empowered United Nations (which the Royal family directs) and empowered multinational corporations (which Charles influences through the Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum. When all of these are placed into operation through public-private partnerships, all of society, as we know it, will change. We must understand each of these in order to know the "day and hour." 

[source: ]

"Prince" must be so proud of his successful soft tyranny...
the rotten flat lie royals are being replaced...

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