Monday 13 April 2020

Gates Foundation Using Proxies To Push Vaccine Agenda in Canada [ video]

(Pardon the audio. Am not feeling well today)
Using proxies -- middlemen -- Bill Gates is pushing mass vaccination on the Canadian Government. By extension, this means the Canadian Public as well.
Here are the steps you need to know:
(a) Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation pushing vaxx agenda
(b) GAVI -- Global Vaccine Alliance -- largely funded by Gates Foundation
(c) GAVI hires Crestview Strategy to lobby the Federal Government
(d) Crestview Strategy uses Clark & Blais to do their lobbying
(e) Jason Clark was an LPC volunteer in 2015 election
(f) Zakery Blais was an assistant to (now) Attorney General David Lametti
(g) Trudeau announces no return to normal without mass vaccination
Gates Foundation; GAVI; Crestview Strategy; Jason Clark & Zakery Blais:

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