Friday 10 April 2020

G. Edward Griffin's book "World Without Cancer" - the story of Vitamin B17 [ USA ]

Answers for healthcare come from nature -- not from Big Pharma Cabbal.
God provides us with everything we need to be healthy and well.  Pay attention to God and stay close to his teachings.
You will not succumb to injury by Big Pharma if you resist the God-less minions.
Our society is not fairing well under the "Rockefeller Medical Mafia Regime" because it has been corrupted by profit-seeking disaster capitalists in healthcare who make money ONLY by keeping humans sick and dependant on drugs.

This is not the WAY that God intended us all to live.  Be Well. Seek out the truth.. #RESIST VACCINE MAFIA

The COO of Change .org, the site which just banned a petition objecting to Bill Gates' ID2020, is Jennifer Dulski
She recently promoted a Singularity University virtual event that seems to have been connected with the Bill and Melinda Gates org
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jennifer dulski
Please join @singularityu for a free, virtual summit on COVID-19 from March 16-18. It will feature experts in medicine, technology, society, and impact to share facts, facilitate discussion, answer questions, and address your concerns.

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