Saturday 11 April 2020

Big Society and Common Purpose UK - Communitarianism - Big Mother - Nannystate - Dictatorship of "Community"

In Britain its called "Big Society" or "Common Purpose" and I think we're seeing the picture more clearly in Canada today as well thanks to social engineering -- what's known as "Big Mother" the Nannystate is taking shape and gaining a hold on the minds of the formerly individualistic Westerners and turning them into a borg mind that is prone to groupthink, collectivized ideological thinking, snitching and badgering others into submission.... and all that it takes is the "collective" hens deciding to demand the end of our individual rights to push us further into that dystopian landscape of a technocratic surveillance state and "checkpoints, papers please" social credit system... perhaps its coming faster than most of us want to acknowledge.. #resist technocracy #stop snitching #resist Big Mother

Meanwhile, John Cleese notices Ottawa's signage... mad world intensifying..

In a park in Ottawa ( Probably Canada, although there’s no ’Sorry’ at the end )
9:43 PM · Apr 8, 2020Twitter Web App

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