Friday 3 April 2020

Acadia University's former Professor Rick Mehta Gave a Statement to the Public

I suggest that people in the Maritimes read Dr. Mehta's statement.  Information is power.  Thanks Rick.  Youtube channel for Rick Mehta here:

Rick Mehta on Twitter:

Published at "Sackville Uncensored" for the general public...

I originally found Rick in 2017 through Facebook's page for - Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship because I wondered where the Canadian free speech advocates for academia were.  They certainly need to stick together.
Rick took to Twitter fairly recently and used his platform to defend Senator Lynn Beyak's actions and advocacy in Canada.. I appreciated his efforts supporting her.
He's a common sense voice that resonates with many Canadians in general.

For anyone who is interested, this is a comprehensive list of the essential services that are open in Ontario. Because I have a warped sense of humor, I cracked up when I read that the liquor stores and cannabis dispensaries are classified as "essential businesses".

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