Sunday 15 March 2020

Testimony: God Works With You! Seafoam Lavender Company and Gardens... Beginnings...

Dave tells the visitors a story ..
I love this family's story ...  some good news on this blog with my faithful, beautiful readers.. 
and it comes from the good folks in Nova Scotia on the Sunrise Trail at Seafoam Lavender Company and Gardens.. Enjoy! 

OUR STORY: THE FIRST TEN YEARS. Our lives were changed forever, this date ten years ago. For those who are interested (and don’t mind reading a lengthy post), here is the story of how Seafoam Lavender came to be. It’s the story of how God sometimes works in very mysterious and wondrous ways!
The story begins in November 2009. Our family owned a restaurant and gift shop in the town of Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia, called Sunrise Mercantile. Although we enjoyed that business, unfortunately we were victims of the economic downturn of the 2008-2009 time period (the U.S. and Canadian currencies reversed value so American tourism dropped significantly; the price of gasoline soared to $5.50 a gallon; American passport rules changed; etc.). In short, our business was failing and we needed a fresh start.
Meanwhile, family friends Dave & Anita Carlson, in nearby Marshville, Nova Scotia, and owners of Beach Lane Lavender Farm, also had major life-changing events. They were missionaries who’d received an opportunity to move to the Philippines. We approached them about purchasing their business and associated lavender plants. After we’d agreed on a purchase price with the Carlsons, we then put our Tatamagouche property on the market; acquired a new farm in nearby Seafoam; and set about the process of getting funding to purchase Beach Lane Lavender.
We went from bank to bank. None would even remotely entertain the notion of granting a loan to us. We got looks of incredulity. “You want a loan to start a lavender farm??…In Nova Scotia???” All seemed lost. The Carlsons were on a tight deadline to wrap up their affairs and move to the Philippines and gave us a hard deadline of the 1st of February (2010). But that date came and went and we were still $32,000 short of the agreed-upon sale price. [Tuck that figure in the back of your mind: THIRTY-TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS was what we needed.] Frankly, it might as well have been 32 million; we simply could not come up with the money needed to buy the business. So essentially, the deal fell through and we pragmatically accepted the fact that a lavender company was not in our future.
But here’s where the story took a twist – a HUGE twist. On the 3rd of February – two days after the sale deadline had passed – I received a phone call. It was from a company called “Tip Top Tailors,” a men’s clothing store with outlets across Canada. The lady on the other end of the line was breathless as she exclaimed how Tip Top was celebrating its 100th birthday celebration…blah, blah, blah…I was convinced this was a telemarketer! So I politely said: “Thanks for your kind offer, but I’m not interested,” and I hung up.
Moments later, not one but TWO emails popped up on my computer screen – from two different people at Tip Top Tailors! I thought to myself: “boy, these folks certainly are persistent!” Fortunately, I read those emails, both of which said “Dave, this is not a joke. You’ve won a prize as part of our company’s 100th birthday celebration, but you MUST CALL US BACK WITHIN TEN MINUTES to claim your prize!!!!”
OK, I’ll bite. I can always use a new shirt or pair of pants (so I thought…). So I called the lady back. This time, she was much calmer in tone, and assured me this was a legitimate phone call, and that I had indeed won a prize in her company’s big 100th birthday celebration. “How did you get my email address and phone number, I asked?” She said, “You filled out a ballot when you rented a tuxedo from us last summer.” “Oh? I did? Huh, how about that?! I don’t remember doing so, but obviously I did LOL. So, what is my prize?” “Are you sitting down, she said?” “Yep.” “You are the GRAND PRIZE WINNER, which means you’ve won a brand-new 2010 Ford Fusion car! All you have to do is go down to your local Ford dealer and pick it out!”
Still in total disbelief, I went down to Tri-County Ford and ordered a Ford Fusion. It would be a few days before the car would arrive.
But the next day – February 4th – the lady from Tip Top Tailors called back and had even BETTER news: “Dave,” she said, “my manager says if you’d rather have cash instead of the car, we’ll express mail a cheque to you.”
(Gulp.) “Oh my word, YES, I need money more than I need a car! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” “How much would that cash be?”
Yes, dear readers, you guessed it: $32,000.00 to the penny. You see? God does indeed have a sense of humour – and perfect timing, as well! And so, with that cheque, TWO families were greatly blessed: the Carlsons were able to move to the Philippines, and the Belt Family moved to Seafoam. And thus was born Seafoam Lavender Company & Gardens, this day ten years ago. Thank you, God, and thank you, Tip Top Tailors!"

My note:
The day I visited at the gardens was a special celebration with harp music .... its a lovely place!

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