Sunday 12 January 2020

United Nations Agenda 21 Has A Lot Of Helpful Minions and Useful Idiots.

Card found on the ground one day ... note to the hapless minions:  please stop upsetting the children.. thanks.  Organized land grabbing to keep people out and to protect ducks is ridiculous behaviour.  "Hyper-Conservation" is actually creating scarcity when we should be seeking abundance for all...  Add to that promoting climate change hysteria and you've got a never-ending fear porn machine running in the region... good luck to anyone who is still donating to this organization... your money might be better spent on books and actual human-focussed projects that matter.......  Keep your children away from these people - they are a cult.  The sea levels are not rising - this is such a lousy fear-mongering hoax - do own research folks.. stop following the herd of clueless do-gooders...

According to NASA, every vertical inch of sea-level rise moves the ocean 50-100 inches inland. In Canada, municipalities are planning for 40 vertical inches of rise by 2100. Learn how we're creating coastal resilience.

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