Wednesday 15 January 2020

Climate Fear Week Cometh Again..... Who Else is Totally Not Stoked Again?

Just When I Think I Have Heard It All From The Borgminds in Management here's another "first" for parents...
"Paid professional counsellors and helpful consultants are standing by...
"Parenting through climate change" ...
thanks Town of Sackville and friends:

Mark your calendars folks because its again time to celebrate "Climate Fear Week" .. you might ask why all you taxpayers have to continually fund these minions and crisis actors... where's the opt out?  Who enjoys this? Who works to traumatize and propagandize the soft-headed snowflakes around here with their never-ending climate hysterics in Tantramar?  The usual suspects... and very nice use of the owl symbology there Sabine of Nature NB and EOS Eco generously funded fame.... oh yeah -- you're just a riot scaring all the gullible here.
Launching the "fun" and "festivities" at the helpful farmers market .... of course.

The truth is:

the only flood you should concern yourselves about is the coming economic and cultural damage the Liberals are doing to our society through mass immigration programmes that will alter OUR Canada forever-

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