Monday 13 January 2020

Chris Katko Cartoonist USA - the Pope for Les Hicks and the mrs.. in Wark Times Lands...

Les Hicks says:
Sally, when you refer to your elected MLA as Sweetie, and honey, that is not respectful, but disparaging. This is one more example of your resorting to name calling when you disagree with someone else. Does a ‘pro life’ Catholic like yourself also support priests molesting children and having their crimes hidden by the hierarchy of the Catholic Church? I would suggest that you ‘respectfully’ ask the leaders of your church to tell their priests to ‘leave the children alone’.
[Hicks' comment left with Bruce Wark's website recently in response to another comment -- I regularly criticize Megan Mitton's advocacy - I didn't vote for her.]

Sally Cunliffe says:
” to passing a ban on conversion therapy…. ”
Really? As a pro-life Catholic I really could not disagree more strongly with Megan on this…
Sweetie.. you cannot speak for everyone in Tantramar.. that’s not your job honey.
I would respectfully ask you to leave the children alone and stop trying to make them over in your image of what they should be. If parents want help to counsel their children that is not your business to interfere… nor is it your job to socially engineer the voters to think as you do.
Just do your job and listen to the voters.. all of them.. thanks."
FYI - I'm not a member of any church Les because you see the New World Pope is just another insufferable climate hysteric and doesn't seem to have much intellectual capacity... there's a lot of that going on with establishment figures.. you might have noticed.  I am still pro-life because that's my ethical stance.  So really the Pope is your guy.. not mine.. aren't you and the mrs. climate hysterics? I thought you were: .. anyways.. in my world calling someone "sweetie" and "honey" is a term of endearment.. after all .. I could be Megan's Mum and what do all good mothers do -- not bullshit their children.
Our government is not in the business to socially engineer the minds of the population, or at least it shouldn't be; but politicians like Megan are always meddling and advocating - its called 'social justice' and its a very radical and extreme agenda - university education is the problem.  It would be great if Megan began "advocating" for jobs and local farming and industry.. she could start with Hemp History Week - that's got to be a Green Win-Win eh?  Hemp Industry, Hemp Production and Products are a great Real Green thing to identify with for this region that is mostly rural.. and a lot more fun and fruitful than Carbon Tax and Climate Fear Week [ ]  I just like to try to make positive and helpful suggestions... eh? Its OKAY to promote Hemp industry in Tantramar; its good.
Vote Hemp.... we can't all be on the government payroll and feed at their trough.. right?

In response to Les at ..

Sally Cunliffe says:
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Isn’t it interesting you were so triggered by “honey” and “sweetie” and “catholic” Les?
I think it shows your weakness when you are triggered and offended on behalf of an MLA who does have a job working for the taxpayers and is always open to criticism of her advocacy.. I obviously did not vote for Megan Mitton but I am definitely not name calling here.. if anything I am asking why government should be meddling in family counselling and mental health issues. Are you so clueless on this issue really? Megan is technically young enough to be my daughter and as a parent I always have believed that lying to children is wrong. Hope that clears up your confusion here.
p.s. promoting government abortions in a nation with no abortions laws is immoral.

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