Wednesday 13 November 2019

Red Ice TV - - Henrik Palmgren & Ricardo Duchesne & Zach Vorhies

ITS OKAY to celebrate Western Civilisation...
Henrik Palmgren of Red Ice TV Sweden/USA holds up the much acclaimed book "The Uniqueness of Western Civilisation" [Brill, 2011] from retired UNB professor Ricardo Duchesne... the question I have for all Canadians is this:
Will you celebrate the demographic replacement of your people or will you resist it?  The time for denials and gaslighting is now over...

Youtube removed Henrik's channel last month.. Website:

You will be able to access ALL of the interviews through the past half dozen years with Ricardo Duchesne at their members' website
and by subscribing to their channel.

Latest interview with an insider whistleblower from Google  .. excellent interview from indie Henrik Palmgren here:
More @ Zach " google insider" Vorhies .. USA..

Do yourself and your family a big favour and shut off the CBC propaganda.

A lot of young Canadians are internet savvy, paying attention and creating content.
We don't need the CBC .. defund the CBC .. boycott their fake news narrative.

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