Tuesday 19 November 2019

HempHistoryWeek.com - Artivism in Canada

for Niki Raapana and all the big hearted, liberty loving folks in N. America... including the late industrialist Henry Ford - who knew a thing or two about the world of hemp.. and the banksters...

perhaps I will never understand the shrill vocal minority of  *greens*  around here...  why protest & sulk when you could promote?   http://hemphistoryweek.com

God has blessed us with abundance and with resourcefulness yet so many have forgotten about these simple facts.. sadly.

I want to thank Bruce Wark, indie reporter for doing exceptional work in this region... he is a blessing to us all.

There are dark forces at work in our governments today.. they wish to remove our dignity, liberty and prosperity.


"Conspiracy Theorist" was created during the 1960's to label anyone investigating the death of JFK. Today, "Fake News" is employed in an effort to discredit researchers investigating the group of elite who engage in ritualized satanic pedophilia...

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