Tuesday 19 November 2019

Andrew Scheer, Official Opposition, CPC Leader faces assault from media, academia and the establishment cronies...

We've reported before why Andrew Scheer is a problem for the powers that be...

Read why:  https://shawnpaulmelville.com/2019/08/29/scheer4pm/

It was just helpful to come across this "Salt Wire" article confirming that the media is also part of the chattering class that want Scheer out of the way for the globalists.  Know your enemies....


Andrew Scheer is a happily married father of five, and a long time parliamentarian.  He is personally pro-life and does not attend Pride events.
He is not compliant to the 'globohomo agenda' and they're considering him a problem in leadership.. what he does have is the backing of the POPULAR vote in Canada.. let that sit for a while .. and remember that Canadian Conservatives are the silent majority in Canada.. no matter how much noise the 'progressives' make.

Back in parliament December 5th...

We’re headed back to Parliament on Dec. 5 to fight for Canadians. We’ll be focused on: • Keeping Canada strong and united • Helping Canadians get ahead • Restoring ethics and accountability in government • Getting the energy sector back to work

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