Saturday 9 November 2019

Technocrat Mayor Higham Tells Bruce Phinney He Could Be Sued!? 2019

Vote out Technocrats Higham & Evans...
Stop Technocracy.  Stop UN Agenda 2030.

Canadians are heading towards a full-on technocracy if they don't wake up...

What is technocracy? It replaces democracy.. as it has in China today.

I reject Higham's advocacy for a carbon tax and his anti-development stance when it comes to opposing building pipelines in New Brunswick - he does not speak for me.. he does not have a mandate to make such a declaration with Bill Evans et al.

Does he speak for you?  Local elections matter just as much as Federal ones do.

Its OK to love fossil fuels, development and ethical Canadian energy sector jobs.

ITS OKAY to love fossil fuels..

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