Saturday 12 October 2019

Brian Gallant Now Special Advisor to Mohamed Lachemi - Ryerson University President

Folks will recall he lost the 2018 election by a slim margin with Tantramar-Memramcook riding going 'green' by only 11 votes over Liberal Bernard Leblanc. Helped & influenced by technocrats & minions
Given that outcome the 'greens' effectively handed the province over to Blaine Higgs Conservative Premier and thereby brought in a new regime that is now, incredibly, mandating vaccines in our schools and took away the free university education that Brian Gallant had granted as leader. I hope that voters remember all that come Federal election time 2019 and ensure they vote... but don't vote Green.. please.. greens work hard for the 'technocRATS' for UN Agenda 2030 .. not for Canadian taxpayers.. keep it in mind eh?

Brian Gallant is now special advisor to the President of Ryerson University on innovation, cyber-security and law... interesting.  Ryerson's President Bio:

Thank You | Merci
It is with a heavy heart that I alerted the Liberal Party of New Brunswick
in late July and supporters from the riding of Shediac Bay-Dieppe
over the last few days that I will be resigning as a MLA on or before
October 7, 2019 - which will be the 5th anniversary of the day
I was sworn in as Premier of New Brunswick
[see the rest at his Facebook page]

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