Saturday 8 June 2019

Tantramar Skate Park Project - 2019 Global BEM

Respect the police and honour them with this skatepark project... I note that Elizabeth May protesting got herself arrested by police in BC. . . I wonder why the young people are being taught to think this is a good way to behave?  Our society has to have laws and apparently, Liz May - Green leader of Canada doesn't obey.

Maybe the Greens and Megan Mitton MLA have more 'green projects' for the riding to work on .. like climate fear counselling and rain barrel projects... but I persist.  Also, #carbon tax is theft ..

131 Main Street, Sackville New Brunswick offices... across from the uni pond...
Where to find Megan Mitton MLA - Tantramar/Memramcook and her funded NGO crony pals EOS Eco-Energy, ACORN and now IRIS community counselling & consulting who offer "climate change stress counselling" .. OMFG I shit you not.

Lovely old build constructed back when people used to take pride in building...
now housing a whole lotta commi green technocrats.... of various funded stripes... ie. EOS Eco-Energy -- climate fear propagandists and moochers...
