Thursday 25 October 2018

Again.. just wanna say... Mount Allison University is failing in its academic mission...

These poor kids are receiving a lousy education.. a biased and propagandized indoctrination against Cdn industry and energy and development.. very sad to see this but not surprising.... the protest culture is strong .. its called 'social justice' and we have 'change agent' #gibsmedat grrl Julia Feltham at "the Commons" in town cheering their deeds on .... oy vey! They're helping the Saudis.. not helping Cdns.

I try to encourage them to be constructive,  helpful & supportive of our ethical Cdn workers and industry that needs to be developed so we're not dependant on Saudi oil .. but these kids at and their 'divest' movement have a lot to overcome. I will keep trying to break through the biased and unhelpful professors' work..

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