Thursday 31 May 2018

Frances Widdowson - 2017 - The Political Economy of “Truth and Reconciliation”: Neotribal Rentierism and the Creation of the Victim/Perpetrator Dichotomy

except from conference paper prepared by Academic Frances..

"Neotribal Rentierism and “Truth and Reconciliation” Although the current characterization of the residential schools as a form of “cultural genocide” is portrayed as being linked to a more accurate and sympathetic historical understanding of aboriginal-non-aboriginal relations,35 this view fails to recognize how it is connected to neotribal rentierism. Neotribal rentierism, as has been discussed in more detail elsewhere,36 has resulted from aboriginal groups being transformed by capitalism; it is where the increasing productivity brought by the capitalist mode of production has resulted in egalitarian native kinship groups becoming increasingly stratified into what Elizabeth Rata has called a “neotribe” – a new kind of political organization that gives certain members of aboriginal communities privileged access to legally created tribal resources."

- Ms. Frances Widdowson... full PDF link here

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